簽名:阿蘭. 辛普森(Alan.Simpson); 約翰. 奧斯梯(John.Austin);亨利.巴那斯(Harry.Barnes);若尼.卡姆普比爾(Ronnie.Campbell);皆瑞米. 考賓(Jeremy.Corbyn);安.科裏(Ann.Cryer);比利. 艾思侖登(Bill.Etherington);諾曼. 嘎德曼(Norman.Godman);文.格理非斯(Win.Griffiths);艾溫. 哈里斯(Evan.Harris);科爾威. 霍普克斯(Kelvin.Hopkins);珍妮.瓊斯(Jenny.Jones);琳.瓊斯(Lynne.Jones);玖利雅. 路易斯(Julian.Lewis);阿里斯.馬亨(Alice.Mahon);比爾.米持(Bill.Michie);非爾. 索夫得(Phil.Sawford).
廣州法輪功學員梁文堅 (女,32歲),曾於去年12月31日,和功友在公園郊游進餐時,被天河公安拘捕,被判刑事拘留。同她一起被捕的大法弟子高獻民因絕食,被捆綁手腳,捂鼻,從口中強灌含鹽粒的鹽水,他於拘留期間1月17日突然死亡。據悉因窒息導致死亡。
EDM 508
17 Signatures:
Simpson/Alan, Austin/John, Barnes/Harry, Campbell/Ronnie, Corbyn/Jeremy, Cryer/Ann, Etherington/Bill, Godman/Norman A, Griffiths/Win, Harris/Evan, Hopkins/Kelvin, Jones/Jenny, Jones/Lynne, Lewis/Julian,
Mahon/Alice, Michie/Bill, Sawford/Phil
" That this House notes with concern the removal without trial of Wenjian Liang (32) to a forced labour camp in Guangzhou province for two years; notes that her detention and deportation was based entirely on her being a practitioner of Falun Gong meditation and that she now joins some 3,000 other Falun Gong practitioners currently incarcerated in Chinese labour camps and over 35,000 who have been subject to arbitrary arrest; and urges the Government to support a resolution to the United Nation"s Human Rights Commission in Geneva this March and April which calls on China to end this indefensible persecution of its own citizens."
Original of the EDM can be found at
Explanatory notes: Early Day Motion, or EDM, is the term used to describe notices of motions given by Members that are not generally expected to be debated. Effectively, the tabling of an EDM is a device to draw attention to an issue, and to elicit support for it by the means of inviting other Members to add their signatures to the motion. Each year about 1000-2000 EDMs are tabled at the Parliament.