神韻舞蹈家 旋轉的色彩,優雅的手臂, 純美洒遍大地, 正氣和榮譽, 真相, 是我發自內心對你的願望。 多年修行,意志金剛, 四肢舞動行雲流水,心神寧靜, 騰飛跳躍, 翻旋轉動, 幫助恢復中國的靈魂。 遠離朋友和家鄉的巡演, 在我們漫遊的地方帶來歡樂, 一路舞動, 神聖的, 腳步翩躚,華服美若仙。 被迫逃離祖國, 脫離了共產主義的殘暴之手, 在這裏綻放光芒, 戳穿謊言, 故事講述了邪惡的滅亡。 Shen Yun Dancer Twirling colour, graceful hands, Beauty spread through all the lands, Strength and honour, Message true, A wish from my own heart to you, Years of practice, diamond will, Limbs are liquid, mind is still, Tumble, leap, spin and roll, Help recover China』s soul. Travel far from friends and home, Bringing joy, where ere we roam, Dancing in the Way, Divine, Footsteps light and costume fine, Forced to flee our native land, From Communism's brutal hand, Here to shine, Light on the lies, Stories tell evil』s demise