【明慧網二零二四年五月十五日】加拿大前參議員迪尼諾(Consiglio Di Nino)認為,法輪功的傳出,讓全世界的人都直接或間接受益。他說:「我認為法輪功學員所信仰的,是人類的基本原則。這些原則不僅僅讓學員受益,還造福於整個社區,乃至所有人。因為法輪功能讓人類變得善良,所以才會傳遍全世界。」 前加拿大國會議員利松(Wladyslaw Lizon)在慶祝世界法輪大法日二十五週年集會上說:「在波蘭,我在共產主義的制度下出生、成長、上學。在我父親小的時候,波蘭還不是共產主義國家。在波蘭被共產主義統治以後,父親常說:『這個政權很變態,遲早會解體。』果然,波蘭迎來了變化,再也不被共產黨統治。」 民陣全球副主席盛雪認為,在至暗中傳遞光明,是全世界的責任:「法輪功修煉者到現在為止已經經受了二十五年的迫害。而法輪功學員經受的迫害,跟歷史上所有人經受的苦難和迫害是不一樣的。因為中共暴政比任何歷史上的政權和邪惡的勢力都更加的邪惡,都更加的狡猾,更加的沒有人類的底線。所以,法輪功學員事實上成為我們整個人類歷史上到今天為止是最堅強,最有信念,最能夠去堅持自己的這種信仰理念,做出了最大犧牲的這樣的一個群體。」 她說,「黑暗一定會過去,就像歷史上所有的那些黑暗的邪惡的勢力,他們都過去了。中共暴政也是一樣。毫無疑問,是一定會被結束,一定會成為過去。」
明慧新書預購通知各位同修:大家好! 明慧人權報告《法輪功受中共迫害二十五年》(英文版)從即日起開始預定。 今年「七﹒二零」是法輪功受迫害長達二十五週年。明慧網系統整理了這四分之一世紀以來的迫害真相,並在獲獎人權報告《法輪功受迫害二十年》的基礎上,增加了更多的第一手資料。 這是一本重量級的講真相「常青書籍」,無論對政府官員、人權組織、企業家、對社區有影響力的各界人士,還是學者、教師、研究生等等了解法輪功真相,包括中共對國際社會滲透與威脅的真相,都提供了強有力的證據和工具。 全書介紹了中共對法輪功的迫害如何開始,最黑暗的歲月,中共在疫情期間和至今持續的對法輪功學員的騷擾,中共將迫害擴展到中國境外的新案例,法輪功學員對迫害者的揭露以及在制止活摘器官的新立法方面的努力等等,在有限的篇幅內,既反映了這場迫害的深度、廣度,也反映了在遭受嚴酷迫害的四分之一個世紀的同時,法輪功學員為反迫害、堅持信仰、提升道德和健康所做出的卓越努力,以及世界各地民眾對這種強大善念的共鳴與支持。光明對照黑暗,更顯光明所代表的希望。 對於這本里程碑級別的新書,無論讀者朋友們系統閱讀還是翻閱,都可以起到深刻了解法輪功是甚麼的作用。還可以為願意讀書、願意了解事實真相的人們,清除中共謊言的毒害。 --- 新書預定截止時間:2024年5月31日(*總預定數量將關係到每本書印刷的成本和價格) 預計的訂單寄出時間:2024年7月上旬 初議價格:1-4本,USD $40/本; 5本以上,USD $35/本。(*為VIP講真相的項目,經佛學會或有關老學員證明,可享受明慧出版社的補貼價格。細節面議。) --- 書籍細節:西式硬皮封面,8.5x11英寸(大開本,適合所有人,不戴眼鏡就能閱讀),450-500頁 --- 預購點擊這裏:《法輪功受中共迫害二十五年》(英文版) 或者在瀏覽器中輸入網址:https://www.tiantibooks.org/zh/products/mh25yr 如有問題,請聯繫:orders@mhpublishing.org --- 當您所在的社區,您所在國家和地區的圖書館、大學、各級政府部門都有這本書,大眾可以在目錄中查到並隨時訂購,你的社區一定會有更多人得救、得福報。 明慧書刊,自費編製。敬請傳閱,功德無量。讓我們攜手傳真相,喚起更多人對真善忍的支持和珍惜。 合十
Pre-Order Notice: New Minghui Report on the 25 Years of PersecutionGreetings, fellow practitioners. Minghui.org is now collecting pre-orders for a new human rights report, Minghui Report: The 25-Year Persecution of Falun Gong. The upcoming July 20 will mark the 25th year since the persecution began. Minghui.org has systematically collected persecution cases over these 25 years and expanded upon the award-winning Minghui Report: The 20-Year Persecution of Falun Gong in China with even more firsthand accounts. This heavyweight, evergreen book is a powerful tool for clarifying the truth to government officials, human rights organizations, business leaders, influential people in society, researchers, teachers, and students about Falun Gong, as well as the CCP』s infiltration of and threat to international society. Whether read page by page or skimmed, this book can help these people more deeply understand what Falun Gong is and show them the depth, breadth, and brutality of the persecution. It highlights the tireless efforts practitioners have put in to counter the persecution, uphold their faith, and elevate health and morality. The report also shows how communities around the world have helped to counter the persecution. For anyone who wants to read it and learn more about Falun Gong, the book can clear out the lies and poison spread by the CCP. This new book explains how the persecution began, the darkest days after July 20, 1999, and how the CCP continues to persecute Falun Gong practitioners into the pandemic period and in the present day. The upcoming report also includes new cases of the CCP extending the persecution outside China, as well as recent efforts to hold perpetrators accountable and new legislation aimed at curbing forced organ harvesting. --- Pre-order deadline: May 31 Shipping date: early July --- Book details: Hardcover, letter size (8.5x11」), 450-500 pages Pricing: $40 each for 1-4 copies, $35 each for 5+ copies. Subsidized pricing is available for VIP truth-clarification projects validated by FXH. --- Pre-order here: https://www.tiantibooks.org/products/mh25yr For questions, please contact orders@mhpublishing.org --- When your area』s libraries, universities, and government offices at all levels have access to this book, more people in your region will be saved and blessed. Let』s work together to spread the truth widely and inspire more people to uphold justice and cherish their conscience! Heshi, Minghui Publishing Center |