
神韻訪歐在即 歐洲議會正副主席發賀詞(圖)



歐洲議會副主席愛德華•麥克米蘭-斯考特(Edward McMillan-Scott)認為神韻晚會讓人看到擁有自由的中國可以非常美好:「在歐洲和全球已經站穩腳跟的這場文化盛會─神韻晚會,正在幫助中國以外的人們重新認識發源於中國的永恆的價值觀。這些文藝、歌唱、舞蹈以及其所表達的對生活的喜悅,在一九四九年中共當政後,對許多中國人來說,已經不再是現實生活的一部份。神韻晚會提醒人們,擁有自由、人權、信仰自由和文化自由的中國可以如此美好。晚會告訴人們,還有一個不一樣的中國─一個走向未來的中國。」

歐洲議會主席漢斯-蓋特•波特林(Hans-Gert Poettering)祝願「全世界所有的華人擁有快樂成功的新的一年。」他說:「在歐洲和全世界將有一個關於中國文化的晚會。這給很多人提供了一個聚到一起進行文化交流的機會。我祝這個中國文化的晚會能夠讓全世界的人聯繫的更加緊密,加強互相之間的了解。祝晚會成功。」



Edward McMillan-Scott, Vice President of European Parliament:

I think that the cultural spectaculars, which have been mounted in European cities and elsewhere in the world, remind people outside China of the eternal values of China, the culture, the singing, the dancing, the joy in life, which to many Chinese people is no longer part of their current reality, and indeed hasn’t been since 1949, since the CCP began a brutal regime in China. So these festivals are a reminder of what China could be like, a China which is free, a China which enjoyed human rights, a China that enjoyed religious freedom, a China that enjoyed cultural freedom, to remind people that there is an alternative, another China, the China of the future.


Prof. Dr. Hans-Gert Poettering, President of European Parliament:

In Europe and in the world there will be a Chinese culture gala. This is a good opportunity to get many people together and to exchange the cultures in the world. I wish that the Chinese Spectacular brings the people in the world closer and improve the understanding to each other, success for the gala.

當日前一篇文章: 日本各界預祝神韻演出成功(圖)
當日後一篇文章: 上海畫家:令人不可抗拒的感動(圖)