【明慧網二零零五年二月六日】 作曲:熊軍 作者(詞):大法弟子,熊軍修改 演唱:Drew Parker (英文歌曲) 配器:Tony 長度:3分38秒 下載歌譜(PDF)
歌詞的中文翻譯如下: 海水為甚麼那樣鹹, 一位詩人曾如此感歎: 那是人類億萬年淚水的匯聚, 那是人間世世代代的苦難辛酸。 我祝願有一天, 海水由鹹變成甜, 那時世間善良的人們 終於迎來了萬物更新的燦爛春天。 海水為甚麼那樣鹹, 一位聖人曾留此真言: 那是大佛流下的慈悲的眼淚, 那是天國有「兒女」墜落塵間。 我相信有一天, 海水由鹹變成甜, 那是億萬落塵的兒女 終於歡聚在美妙永恆的佛國仙苑。 歌詞的英文原文如下: (title) When Seawater Turns Sweet (Lyrics) Seawater is so salty, but why, oh why? A poet quietly replies, "It』s from thousands and thousands of tears, bitterness and suffering for ages and years. I look forward to the day, when seawater turns sweet.」 When all good people all over the world, Together, finally, have made it through to the spring in which everything everything is renewed. When seawater turns sweet. Why is sea water so salty to the tongue? It's said a sage left this answer once, "It's from Buddha's tears of compassion Because of all his lost children. I look forward to the day, When seawater turns sweet.」 When all good people all over the world, Together, finally, have made it through to the spring in which everything everything is renewed. When seawater turns sweet. |