Tong Xiu Hao, Xin Nian Hao! Fellow Practitioners Happy New Year! The First True Brand New YearDaily chores, jobs and family, Living our lives with rationality. Beyond anger sorrow and delight, Our still hearts shinning bright. Pounding on our hearts, evil everyday, Cultivate sincerely, finding the true new way Tireless saving sentient beings, Masters smile, over seeing Striving forward wasting no time For those lost and the blind. Magnificent future beyond compare Persist on breaking through! Into the first true Brand New Year! Happy New Year fellow disciples in China! Happy New fellow practitioners around the world! | 恭祝同修新年好, 萬象更新春來到。 工作家庭與生活, 正常理性來指導。 喜怒哀樂心不動, 慈悲祥和佛光耀。 魔難面前向內找, 邪惡爛鬼無處逃。 時時處處「真善忍」, 真修心性走正道。 不辭辛苦救眾生, 師尊看護神佛笑。 迷途羔羊醒來早, 抓緊救度爭分秒。 前程光明倍輝煌, 勇猛精進迎春到。 遙賀大陸眾同修, 全球同修新年好。 |