【明慧網2002年10月23日】下載方法:按鼠標器右鍵,在彈出菜單中選擇「目標文件保存為…」(Save Target As...)。 <歌詞>(英文) Please lend a hand ( For the Falun Gong Practitioners persecuted in China ) 1) When you open your eyes, you will see these kind people when you carefully listen you will hear their heart's call. Chorus: Please lend a hand for compassion and truth Please lend a hand for the suffering they bear. All they desire is goodness and peace, But daily they are jailed and denied everything 2) In the life that they live You can see their true faith. In your heart you will know It's the hope of the world. Chorus: 3) Every day they are killed For their steadfast belief Won't you lend them your voice, Like a candle at night. Coda: Please lend a hand for compassion and truth please lend a hand for the suffering they bear please lend your voice for justice and peace. With your voices and hands, please show that you care.