【明慧網2001年8月20日】親愛的李女士, 我希望您知道,我支持你在中國使館外的尋求以要求你的丈夫和他的兄弟被釋放。他們因為修煉法輪功而被禁閉在中國的一個勞教所達二年。 你在這守夜的勇氣難能可貴。我祝願你在這兒的努力有好結果,並為他們的儘早釋放祈禱。 誠摯的, 國會議員,卡﹒努森 Gar Knutson, M.P. August 14,2001 Mrs. Jinyu Li c/o Benjamin Yang, Regional Contact 485 Castlegrove Blvd, Unit 505 London ON N6G 2V5 Dear Mrs, Li, I would like you to know that I support you in your quest outside the Chinese embassy to demand release of your husband and his brother who have been incarcerated for two years in a Chinese labour camp for practicing Falun Gong, Your courage in keeping this vigil are commendable and I wish you well in this endeavor and pray for their earliest release. Sincerely, Gar Kntson, M.P |