【明慧網2001年6月22日】親愛的總理先生, 感謝您於2001年4月18日轉交的您的選民羅女士有關法輪功的來信。 如您所知,我們對教導或練習法輪功不作任何評論。然而,我們卻對中國政府對待法輪功學員中的人權問題深表關注。 我對羅女士及其家庭的遭遇深表同情。中國政府拒絕她母親出國的做法顯然違反了全球人權聲明和國際公民及政治權利公約。中國已在此聲明及公約上簽字,但尚未正式簽署後一項協議。由於我所負責的部門已收到其他有關中國政府阻止澳洲居民的親屬行使國際認可的人權報告,我部官員將儘快向中國提出此問題。 請轉達我對您的選民羅女士之來信表示感謝。 您真誠的唐納. 亞利山大 2001年5月22日 附:原件: 22 May, 2001 Dear Prime Minister Thank you for your letter dated 18 April 2001 passing on representations made by your constituent, Ms Serene Luo, of Marsfield, NSW, about Falungong. As you would know, we take no position on the teachings or practices of Falungong. We are concerned, however, about the human rights aspects of the Chinese Government’s treatment of Falungong practitioners in China. I deeply sympathise with the plight of Ms Luo and her family. The apparent refusal of the Chinese Government to allow her mother to exit the country is a breach of both the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. China has signed, but not yet ratified the latter. As my Department has received other reports of the Chinese Government failing to allow relatives of Australian citizens to exercise this internationally recognized human rights, officers of my Department will raise this issue with the Chinese soon. Please thank your constituent, Ms Luo for her letter. Yours Sincerely Alexander Downer
澳洲總理致法輪功學員的回信 親愛的羅女士, 感謝您於2001年3月9日寄來的有關您家庭在法輪功事件中的遭遇的來信。我很抱歉耽誤了這麼久才回信。 我對您的家庭不能在您的孩子出世之際團聚(在澳洲)表示遺憾。我想向您保證的是,我的政府對於中國政府處理法輪功的問題非常重視,並已向中國政府的代表提出了我們的關注。澳洲高級官員已明確表示了這一點,其中包括去年八月在堪培拉舉行的中澳雙邊人權對話。 我的政府亦正試圖通過技術輔助計劃以尋求幫助中國改進人權狀況的途徑。該計劃項目重點在於向中國政府提供可行的能為中國處理人權問題帶來實質性改進的方法,其中包括法輪功修煉者的人權問題。 澳洲將繼續用一切適當的機會敦促中國改進對法輪功問題的處理方式。 您真誠的 約翰. 霍華德 2001年5月30日 附 原件: 30 May 2001 Dear Ms Luo Thank you for your letter of 9 March 2001 about your family’s involvement in the Falun Gong movement. I regret the delay in replying. I regret to read that your family was unable to be together for the birth of your baby. I want to assure you that my government is very concerned by China’s treatment of Falun Gong practitioners and has raised these concerns with representatives of the Chinese government. Senior Australian officials have expressed unequivocally the government’s concern to Chinese representatives, including during our bilateral human rights dialogue with China in Canberra in August last year. My government is also seeking to help China improve its approach to human rights through a technical assistance programme. This programme is focused on delivering practical and real changes to China’s handling of human rights cases, including those related to Falun Gong practitioners. Australia will continue to urge China improve it s approach to the Falun Gong at every appropriate opportunity. Yours sincerely (John Howard) |