【明慧網2000年5月2日】譯文: 發信人信址: 823 United Nations Plaza, 8th Floor, NEW YORK, N.Y. 10017 奧地利常駐聯合國使團 參考號:99.031/3/00 紐約,2000年3月23日 親愛的H先生: 感謝您2000年頁2月10日的來信,在信中您告訴我們關於法輪功成員在中國遭受的迫害和您在法輪功方面的親身經歷。讓我簡短地表述一下奧地利政府在這個問題上的立場: 如同她的歐洲聯盟伙伴們一樣,奧地利政府非常密切地觀察著在中國的人權問題。奧地利極大地關切著中國政府繼續對法輪功及其他宗教組織所進行的壓制行為。奧地利政府強烈地譴責自從一九九九年七月宣布禁止法輪功活動以來對成千上萬的法輪功追隨者的拘押,及對四名法輪功領袖所判的長期監禁的徒刑。奧地利政府也同樣關注著許多法輪功修煉者在行政上被處置於勞教。我們一直強調這些行為構成了對個人的基本人權的侵犯,這是不可容忍的。 也許您已經知道,歐盟已經在與中國政府進行人權對話的範圍內提出了法輪功情況,並且將繼續這樣做。歐盟已經幾次要求中國當局尊重法輪功成員的基本權利。 人權是與生俱來的,對所有的人都一樣,不受到他們的政治、哲學或宗教背景而有所區別。銘此於心,奧地利政府將繼續在任何適當的地方表述對法輪功的情況的關切。 真誠的, (簽名) Engelbert Theuermann 參贊
原文: PERMANENT MISSION OF AUSTRIA TO THE UNITED NATIONS 823 United Nations Plaza, 8th Floor, NEW YORK, N.Y. 10017 Ref.:99.031/3/00 New York, March 23, 2000 Dear Mr. H, I would like to thank you for your letter dated 10 February 2000, in which you inform us about the persecution of Falun Gong members in China and your personal experiences with that practice. Let me briefly outline the position of the Austrian Government regarding that issue: Like her partners within the European Union, Austria monitors the human rights situation in China very closely. Austria notes with great concern that the Chinese government continues its repressive practices against members of the Falun Gong and other religious groups. Austria strongly condemns the detention of thousands of adherents of Falun Gong since the ban on the movement was pronounced in July 1999, as well as the long prison sentences imposed on four Falun Gong leaders. Austria is equally concerned about the administrative sentences of re-education through labour passed on many Falun Gong practitioners. We have always emphysised that these practices constitute a violation of human rights that cannot be tolerated. As you probably know, the European Union has taken up the situation of Falun Gong within the framework of the human rights dialogue with people"s Republic of China and will continue to do so. It has urged Chinese authorities on several occasions to respect the basic of Falun Gong members. Human rights are inherent to all people, without discrimination on the grounds of their political, philosophical or religious background. With this in mind, Austria will continue to address the situation of Falun Gong wherever appropriate. Yours sincerely Engelbert Theuermann Counsellor