【明慧網2000年2月25日】I am a practitioner in the UK and am somewhat puzzled by the actions of some practitioners. Many practitioners in China seem to go on hunger strike as soon as they are arrested as if they wish to manipulate the police to release them. Surely threatening suicide in order to change the situation in which one is in is a political act and goes against accepting what Master Li has said about the path of cultivation for a practitioner being arranged by him. As I understand it, the situation in China is a result of the cosmic changes and so surely the only thing a practitioner should do is protect the law. 譯文:我是一名英國學員,對一些其他學員的行動稍微有些困惑。在中國,似乎很多學員一遭逮捕馬上就絕食,好像他們希望操縱警察對他們的釋放。用具有威脅力的自殺來改變處境肯定是政治行為,而且違背了李老師「修煉者的道路由師父安排」的有關教導。作為個人理解,我認為中國的局面是天象變化的結果,學員應該做的唯一的事肯定是護法。 If one dies due to not eating, isn"t that suicide? I don"t refer to those practitioners who died as a result of force feeding but only to those who die from lack of food. You might say that you are dying for the law, but surely an act of suicide is against Dafa and so can"t be used to protect it. 如果有人因為不吃東西死了,那不是自殺嗎?我不是指那些因為被強行灌食而死亡的學員,而僅僅在說那些因不吃食物而死的人。有人可能會說他是為大法而死。可是自殺是違背大法的,所以肯定不能用來維護大法。 These are only my understandings, so if anyone can explain their view to me then please do. 這些只是我個人的理解。如果有人能為我說明他們的看法請說明。 Michael Holland 麥克 荷蘭德 (2000年2月23日譯稿)