【明慧網2000年12月20日】 澳大利亞製造業工會是澳洲幾大工會之一,當一位大法弟子以工會會員的身份寫信給工會揭露江澤民及其幫兇對法輪功的殘酷迫害時,受到了工會極大的同情和關注,工會立即派代表到工廠調查,並邀請學員在地區會議上介紹法輪功真象,從而使工廠幾乎每個人都知道了法輪功。該工會負責人還在新南威爾斯州工會議會上向七十多位代表介紹法輪功真象,來自不同地區的代表都拿到一本介紹大法的小冊子。工會代表們一致表示致信中國領事館,強烈譴責中國政府鎮壓法輪功。 以下是信的全文(譯文): 致中國領事館官員 閣下: 我代表我的法輪大法修煉者的會員們給你寫這封信。 我的會員們告訴我,他們的同修在中國遭受到曠日持久的鎮壓,折磨和監禁的迫害,只因為他們的信仰。 歷史上全世界的工會都是衛護人類的人權的,不管他們是甚麼民族和信仰,為此,當我聽到法輪功修煉者們在承受堅持信仰的基本人權遭到踐踏的痛苦時,我感到非常不安。 我們省工會極其關注一直並繼續在發生的法輪功學員未經法律程序被關押以及在關押期間被酷刑折磨的事實,我們也極其關注國際特赦組織所報告的法輪功女學員被性侵犯以及至少73名法輪功學員在關押期間被迫害致死。 從國際特赦組織的報告很明顯看到,這些罪惡的迫害是中華人民共和國政府一手操辦和支持的。 AMWU(製造業)省工會在此態度鮮明地譴責這種踐踏人權的行徑,基於問題的緊迫性,請你迅速向你們的政府轉達我們的關注。 我等待著你在這個問題上儘早的回答。 你真誠的 保羅.巴斯丁 州議會秘書 Consulate- General for People’s Republic of China 539 Elizabeth St. Surry Hills NSW 2010 11 December 2000
Your Excellency I am writing to you on behalf of a number of our members who are practitioners of Falun Dafa. I am advised by our members that their fellow practitioners in China are the victims of ongoing persecution, torture and imprisonment because of their beliefs. Trade Union throughout the world have historically defended the human rights of all people, regardless of their nationality or beliefs. On this basis, I am very disturbed to hear allegation that members of Falun Gong are suffering violation of their very basic human right to practice within their own beliefs. It is of great concern to the State Council of our Union that there are continuing allegations of imprisonment without trial of Falun Gong practitioners and the torture of those who are imprisoned. We are also greatly concerned at reports by Amnesty International of sexual abuse of Falun Gong prisoners and the deaths in custody of at least 73 practitioners. It appears from the Amnesty reports that these very gross violations are supported and perpetrated by the Government of the People’s Republic of China. The State Council of the AMWU unequivocally condemns these human rights violations and asks that you should convey our concerns to your Government as a matter of urgency. I look forward to your response and advice on this matted at your earliest possible opportunity. Yours Sincerely Paul Bastian State Secretary |