【明慧網2000年1月14日】 國際特赦組織(美國) AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL USA 新聞發布 News Release 緊急發布 2000年1月11日 聯繫:Alistair Hodgett轉302 電話:202-544-0200 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Alistair Hodgett x302 January 11, 2000 202-544-0200 國際特赦組織讚揚早些時候關於(譴責)中國的決議案 Amnesty International PraisesEarly Decision to Back Resolution on China 克林頓政府對人權(狀況)惡化的反應 Clinton Administration Actson Deterioration in Human Rights (首都華盛頓):美國國際特赦組織今天讚揚了克林頓政府關於發起一項在今年三月日內瓦聯合國人權組織會議上批評中國人權記錄決議案的決定。 (Washington, D.C.):Amnesty International USA (AIUSA) today praisedthe Clinton Administration's decision to sponsor a resolution criticalof China's human rights record at the United Nations' Commission on HumanRights in Geneva in March. 美國國際特赦組織立法主任StephenRickard說:「我們拍手稱讚政府能夠作出這樣的決定,這將使政府能夠疏通更多的委員會成員加入美國一邊,對中國人權狀況的惡化進行挑戰。」「我們鼓勵其他委員會成員支持這項努力。」國際特赦組織已經將中國列為聯合國人權委員會會議的第一優先。 "We applaud the Administration for making a decision now that willenable it to lobby other Commission members to join the U.S. in challengingthe deteriorating state of human rights in China," said Stephen Rickard,AIUSA Legislative Director. "We encourage other Commission members to supportthis effort." Amnesty International has also made China one of its toppriorities for this session of the U.N. Commission on Human Rights. 國際特赦組織突出了中國利用殘酷的國家安全法律對付持政治異見者和法輪功運動成員。很多人經過概要的審判後已被執行。持不同政見者被處以苛刻的監獄徒刑而加以控制;關於拘留所裏犯人被折磨和死亡的報告接連不斷。 Amnesty International has highlighted China's use of draconian nationalsecurity laws against political dissidents and members of the Falun Gongmovement. Large numbers of people have been executed after summarytrials; harsh prison sentences have been meted out to curb dissent, andthere are persistent reports of torture and the death in custody of prisoners. 國際特赦組織最近得知,經過一個非常不公正的審判之後,兩名男士在新疆維吾爾自治區因政治罪行「分裂國家」而被判處死刑。其他九人因同樣罪名被判有罪並處以一年至無期徒刑。國際特赦組織相信,這些判決是建立在酷刑榨出的招供基礎之上的。 Amnesty International recently learned that, after a grossly unfairtrial,two men have been sentenced to death in the Xinjiang Uighur AutonomousRegion for the political crime of "splitting the country." Nine othermen found guilty of the same crime were sentenced to terms ranging fromone year to life imprisonment. Amnesty International believes thesentences were based on confessions extracted under torture. Rickard說,「當前,我們正在目擊自1989年反對人民和平行使基本言論和結社自由(事件)以來最無情的鎮壓」。 "We are currently witnessing one of the most relentless crackdownssince 1989 against people who are peacefully exercising fundamental freedomsof expression and association," said Rickard.